One of my first posts was my new-years resolutions. One of which was to get a new job, which I did yesterday! I still have to put in my two weeks notice at my current place, but soon I’ll be working at a nice upscale restaurant downtown and hopefully digging life a bit more.…
Domesticate me
Lately, I’ve really been digging No, Seriously, What About Teh Menz? it’s a smart, often witty blog, that is making the idea of self identifying as feminist more palatable to me. It makes me think, which is great, when I have tons of time to write posts, but right now has got…
Treading old ground
So DishevelledDomina is at it again, previously she did a series of interviews of submissive men, and now She’s interviewing Dominant women. I would say that I caught the blogging bug from her, and I got my first taste when she interviewed me. However, I was working nights at the time, and I got her list…