I miss Tavi. This is not unusual for me, indeed it seems I spend more time pining for her than with her. Sunday she went to a wedding, so I didn’t get to see her. Friday we had a date planned, but she got food poisoning. And the Sunday prior……
Solicitation all around
In which I solicit your input and then inflict unsolicited advice in return! I’ve got this idea that I’m working on to write out a bit of a guide to finding a male-sub partner, but I’m still collecting information, and trying to put together something that is more helpful than…
Getting off isn’t so easy
Something I remember reading when I first started looking into BDSM was that it wasn’t necessarily sexual for some people. This was a little tricky to grasp for me because it is pretty intensely sexual for me. Well, parts of it are. D/s is definitely how I enjoy my romantic and sexual interactions to play out,…
Recently I became a moderator for a new subreddit called /r/FemdomCommunity. (A subreddit being sort of like a forum with in a larger forum on the website Reddit, in case you didn’t already know.) I volunteered for the gig, because I am interested in seeing the space evolve into a helpful place…
Busy Busy Week
I’ve got piles of things I want to write about, but since it’s been almost a week since I’ve written. I figured I’d toss out a quick update. Last Wednesday I got to spend a ton of time with Tavi, which was awesome, since our midweek dates are usually kinda short. I…
Talk to your partner!
Seriously, do it. That’s always the answer to relationship questions. Even in… hell, especially in D/s relationships. More communication is a good thing. About once a week I see a thread pop up on /r/BDSMCommunity that goes something like this. My SO is submissive and I’m sort of new to…
Escalate this!
As I said, Tavi and I discussed a bit of escalation in our relationship Friday. She’s given me plenty of time to suss out what I want before we move forward, but for the the most part I think I know. If you’ve been reading you know that while we’ve…
I’m comfortable with my masculinity, and I’m comfortable being submissive. Ever since I was in about seventh grade and my freshy dyed fire-engine-red hair turned hot pink after swimming in a pool, I’ve known that it’s not how I look or what others think of me that makes me a…
It is a small disappointment to me that I am not a Smart-assed Masochist. Rather than endlessly quipping as the pain escalates, I’ll make a brave attempt to be clever, and then immediately recant, back peddle, beg for forgiveness and finally break down into cries and whimpers. Far from being too kinky…