Submissive in Seattle


Under the sheets

I tend not to be very explicit when describing my experiences here. For one, they feel private, and to describe them in detail seems tacky and vulgar. I get embarrassed too, describing in detail what gets me off. Yeah, I’ve written some erotica, but that is far different for me that saying: “This specifically is something that…

Communication and Vocalization

Really Peroxide, another one of these “guess what I did last night?” posts, really? Yeah, really. Deal with it. Tavi and I went out to brunch on Sunday, my favorite place, it was quite lovely. I’ve been thinking about, worrying about, fretting over the boundary discussion I knew we needed…

An Infinite amount of Dommes

I have this thought, that with enough time the right woman could get me to do anything. I tend to think that people are capable of anything under the right circumstances, and I wonder how malleable I would be in the hands of a woman that really knew how to…


  My play-date had been postponed till next month. Something important came up on her end, I didn’t ask what. While a small disappointment, the news did alleviate the butterflies I was starting to get. The nervous excitement of a new social event, and naughty fun. It’s also given me more…


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