A quick update on why I’ve been so quiet the last week or so, and then we should be back to our regularly scheduled sexiness soon. May has really sucked for me. I had two car accidents in one month. The first being a textbook fender bender and the second…
Depression bites
I’ve been depressed the past few weeks. I’m having what I tend to think of as a low period, which for me is usually a couple of weeks of intensely negative feelings, lethargy, weariness maybe some aches and pains. I’m fairly certain it’s coming towards a close, or at least a middle, since I’m able…
I went home early last night. Not super early mind you, but eleven instead of one, and instead of staying for the after party. I was tired, probably because I’ve been getting up at four every morning for work, but still, I didn’t used to be like this. When I…
For sale, to Good Home.
I was going to hold off on writing on this topic until I had a new job (still working on that) cause I’m not after sympathy, I just want to discuss submissiveness and and depression. Not that there is a connection or even a correlation between the two, but since there are 18.8…