Submissive in Seattle

Kinks I don’t have

Bitter Tears

I do try and portray the reality of my experiences without cherry picking or sugar-coating too much. I think it’s important for there to be portrayals of BDSM (especially F/m) that highlights the fact that it is a relationship, in the real world, between two imperfect individuals. It can be…

I’m not into scat

Between here and reddit, I’ve been asked a few times for advice on how to go about looking for a kinky relationship. I do my best to help, but I don’t have all the answers. I’m in my first one ever and I lucked into that one by virtue of…


Recently I became a moderator for a new subreddit called /r/FemdomCommunity. (A subreddit being sort of like a forum with in a larger forum on the website Reddit, in case you didn’t already know.) I volunteered for the gig, because I am interested in seeing the space evolve into a helpful place…

In which I almost pass out.

So, how do I start this? Firstly, touch is my primary love language. It’s one of the main ways I express affection. I usually avoid touching people I don’t like or know, and I’m very touchy feel-y with people I do like. With people I love, Tavi for example, I…

Glutton for Punishment

If you read my last post, you know that Tavi had me refrain from masturbating for 3 1/2 days last week. If you follow my twitter you saw me whine semi-constantly all weekend. Sunday rolled around, Tavi allowed me to get off, and I didn’t die of sexual frustration. Here’s…

Communication and Vocalization

Really Peroxide, another one of these “guess what I did last night?” posts, really? Yeah, really. Deal with it. Tavi and I went out to brunch on Sunday, my favorite place, it was quite lovely. I’ve been thinking about, worrying about, fretting over the boundary discussion I knew we needed…

Fetishize me Captain!

I’m sure you’re all aware that a sexual fetish is receiving sexual arousal from a specific object or situation. If this attraction causes psychological distress it’s a paraphilia. Generally I notice a “kink” is how people usually refer to a little something extra they like in their sex, (oh I’m just…


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