Submissive in Seattle

male submission

More role conflict

I’m not sure if this is going to be interesting at all, it’s more of the same old thing I’ve been writing for a bit, however, if down the line I write about doing some things, I want my readers to know that I’ve been doing all the requisite consideration…

Let’s play “Who’s got it the hardest?”

Ok, let’s not, since that’s a game that is bound to end in tears and recriminations. Life, dating and relationships are pretty rough for most everyone, and if you’ve got it easy, well then I secretly hate you. I’m thinking specifically of something a woman identifying as submissive said the…

An Infinite amount of Dommes

I have this thought, that with enough time the right woman could get me to do anything. I tend to think that people are capable of anything under the right circumstances, and I wonder how malleable I would be in the hands of a woman that really knew how to…

Catwoman: The Difference between Domme and Dominantrix

First off, stop reading my blog and go read this amazing post here, on Delving into Deviance about performative gender roles and BDSM. Dev, if you didn’t know, also wrote The Devaluation of Male Submission which kicked off a whole bunch of dialogue that has made it easier for me…


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