It’s been a pretty busy week, and the next couple of weeks aren’t going to be any less busy. So this is sort of a combo post, for a few things I want to share, but never managed to quite make a full sized post out of.
I’ve been coping with more depression than usual for a while. I wrote about it back in March, but I didn’t get around to going to the doctor till last week. In the next couple of weeks I’ve got to register for classes, take some entry classes and I’m looking for a new job. I can’t afford to be paralysed by depression and anxiety right now. I’ve just started my new meds, and I’m going to be taking some Vitamin D supplements, hopefully that’ll help me keep it together.
Starting monday I’m attending a bartending course, which should help me get a job I don’t absolutely loathe. It’s going to have me slammed busy for the next two weeks though. I’m a bit concerned about how much I’ve got to do, but I’m hopeful about where I’m heading.
Speaking of which Tavi and I got a leash last Friday! It’s pretty much the most exciting thing ever. I know I’ve mentioned how what being on her leash does to me. We went out to a private club she’s a member at where she could take me out on it. It’s not like we did anything more exciting than hanging out and having a few drinks, and yet I was in a state of bliss for the entire evening.

It’s so wonderful being hers
Leashing is one thing the ex and I never did when we were together, although it was something she considered even before the first time we played. I think it would have been quite nice to be leashed for a party.
It is surprisingly intense for such a small thing. It’s strange how quickly I drop into a different headspace with it on. I definitely can’t wait to do it again.
Oh, I’ve experienced the, “Wow, that was surprisingly effective at putting me in headspace,” feeling. For me, it was wearing leather cuffs and having them clipped to the D-rings on my collar. People commented on it giving me the same dopey smile I get after a good scene.
Looks very much like the one I wear. We’re big on it — the immediate physical control, the symbolism, everything about it. Neat!
Yeah it’s really great, I’m hoping we use it a lot more in the future.
One of her favorite things to do with it is actually not to lead me around the room. Rather, she grabs the chain and twines it around her fist, drawing me to herself. yummy
That’s awesome how something so small can have such a significant impact. Reading your posts is amazing, just because it gives me a glimpse of a different perspective than my own. Thanks for sharing!
Yeah, it is surprising just how powerful the effect of being leashed is. Thanks for reading!
You’re welcome! And here’s an award for you. I love your blog!
Wow very sweet