I’m tired of writing about my mental illness. I’m tired of finally having the urge and energy to create something, only to find it has been so long since I’ve updated my blog that (due to it’s autobiographical nature) I feel obligated to do a recap what I’ve just partially recovered from struggling with. It’s draining and it is boring.

Infinite Nap: By Claire Jarvis
2014 was a hard year, but I survived. I didn’t kill myself or flunk out of school so I suppose that counts as a win.
I’m not “better” yet, (and I may have to learn to live with never being “better”) but I am off of the medication that was making me so miserable*. I’m taking Wellbutrin now, which seems to be working out pretty nicely.
I know I wouldn’t have made it this far is it wasn’t for Professor Chaos’ love and understanding. She means the world to me, and whenever I think I couldn’t love her anymore than I do she proves me wrong.
This year was, despite it’s difficulties filled with love, and laughter and lots of amazing sex (I lost my virginity this year!) and kinky play. There was so much happiness and joy that I wasn’t able to share with you, dear readers, but I hope to soon.
I hope that 2015 has even more kinky fun for me to write about (and more energy for me to write with).

A lot of this, only my kitchen isn’t nearly that big.
*Effexor, incase you’re wondering what drug to use, this one is a real pain to come off of if it doesn’t work for you.
As another person with mental illness (and various physical chronic issues) I totally get how tiring it is to write about it. I am glad you’re on a medication working better for you though!
Here’s to a balanced, beautiful 2015 for us all. And lots of sex 🙂
xx Dee