Submissive in Seattle

Everything’s going so well!

Everything’s going so well!

Apparently this is all it takes.

Commence the celebration! I am once again gainfully employed, or I should be starting Monday. I won’t say exactly where but it’s a famous coffee chain and it rhymes with Narbucks. 

It’s early mornings so I’ve got to swap my sleep schedule so that I can be at work bright eyed and bushy-tailed at five thirty Monday morning. So I left for the gym at quarter after six this morning, plan on leaving at quarter after five tomorrow, and keep this energy up through my start date.

Now I just need a new apartment.

2 thoughts on “Everything’s going so well!

  1. Rougemarie

    Nice work Peroxide! Well done. Getting a job when you’re unemployed is always harder than switching jobs, too.

    I bet you’ll find the apartment and the rest start to fall into place more quickly once you settle into work – apart from the $$, I find working helps keep depression at bay, which makes me more able to achieve my other objectives.

    1. Peroxide

      Thank you, I’m super excited and a little nervous.

      I’m looking forward to my own apartment as well and I think having a good job and a place of my own will contribute greatly to my emotional health.

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