Submissive in Seattle

On breaking free.

On breaking free.

Melancholy, my old friend, visits frequent, once again.

As I’ve said before, I’m not a patient man.  What is most frustrating about getting let go from my job, is that it feels like I’m again being forced to wait for my life to move forward out of this holding pattern I’ve been in for years. So I’ve had an unproductive and melancholy week, but I’m ready to start cleaning up after my pity party and doing so has lead me to a small epiphany.

It may be a good thing that I lost my job. Working at a five star restaurant as opposed to a cafe, coffee house, or mid-range restaurant made me feel like I had my shit together, but I don’t want to work in service my whole life and if I get too content I’m never going to break free. I can’t work someplace that I hate, I can’t be miserable forty hours a week and still have the drive to do something to move forward, but neither can I be totally happy with where I am.

My big improbable dream is to entertain.This dream has undergone revisions over the years, and what I can do from where I am is write. I’m going to start writing more, and dust of something that I haven’t worked on in far too long. In the mean time I’m probably going to practice by writing some more erotica, I’ll need to find an editor which meaning slogging through the Literotica forums to find someone BDSM friendly (unless one of my lovely readers is interested in giving me a hand…)

Someone to point out spelling mistakes, syntax errors and such.

 I’ll probably have to dial back the dating for a bit, since I haven’t got my shit together anymore, and I don’t feel like I’m going to attract the kind of women I’m interested in if I haven’t got my shit together. I do have a few OKcupid related anecdotes from the last few weeks to share though, but after that it may be a while…
Thanks for the encouragement on the last post, I’m done moping now, hopefully good things will happen soon.

10 thoughts on “On breaking free.

    1. Peroxide

      Yes an editor, the one story I’ve got up on Literotica didn’t go through till I had someone else take a look at it, and didn’t you email me about my propensity to overuse commas. It’s been a long time since I took an English comp class and so I’m shamelessly fishing for some free help.

      On the other hand I am a fancy one indeed, and if my readers wanted to offer their assistance in the other manners you’ve suggested, well it’d be rude of me to refuse.

      1. Ferns

        “…and didn’t you email me about my propensity to overuse commas”

        Who me? What a presumptuous, interfering bitch! *laugh*

        “the one story I’ve got up on Literotica didn’t go through till I had someone else take a look at it”

        I also submitted a piece to Literotica ages ago, and you are right, the technical editorial feedback was useful, but I hated the site’s layout sooo much that I didn’t go there again.

        “if my readers wanted to offer their assistance in the other manners you’ve suggested, well it’d be rude of me to refuse.”



  1. sunnygirl

    Have you thought of joining a local writing group? I know that they sound a bit lame, but a lot of authors credit a writing group in their acknowledgements. Perhaps even a romance writing group – which will be full of women who will be utterly charmed by you and have similar concerns writing wise (the hotness of sex scenes, how the relationship between the protagonists grows in a realistic way, etc.). BDSM/erotica/romance etc. runs a pretty overlapping line these days.

    The other thing I was wondering is what do you read? That is partly a selfish question because I might want to read what you read, but also, that kind’ve informs what you’re going to want to write, no?

    1. Peroxide

      I hadn’t given anything like that much thought, One thing I’ve struggled with in the past is continuing to work on a piece after having shared it with someone. I

      have difficulty motivating myself, and once the drive to tell the story, or express the idea has been met, continuing to write it down has always become impossible. Which is why I think of erotica as practice, I can use other drives to motivate me to finish a piece. So I don’t think I’d be joining a romance writing group.

      I read a great deal, mostly “genre fiction.” My all time favorite author is Neal Stephenson, followed by Neil Gaiman and G.R.R. Martin, If their influence come through in my writing I will be pleased as punch. I should be posting an as close as it gets about a Neil Stephenson series sooner or later/

  2. LoveIsPainInnit

    Story? I’d love to check it out if you have a link. I recall having a roughly similar taste to yours in erotica.

    I haven’t a creative bone when it comes to writing (other than computer programmes I guess), but I do find myself thinking up elaborate worlds and scenarios sometimes, though there aren’t any defined characters occupying them.

      1. LoveIsPainInnit

        Thanks! That was quite enjoyable. 😀

        Hit all the right buttons too. Older lady, totally victim-izable naive boy and a nice, happy ending.

    1. Peroxide

      Eh, I’ve seen some folks claim it’s good for kinksters looking for a relationship(as opposed to or collarme.) It’s worth checking out since the site is free, open, and has user contributed quizzes and I think the match questions are in some cases user contributed as well. So there are some BDSM related questions and whatnot.

      However, over there I’m not terribly upfront about the what I write about here on the blog, but I’ve had a few conversations that delved into kink, though obviously nothing ever came from them otherwise, I’d be throwing a ticker tape parade.

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