Submissive in Seattle

Peroxide’s Shiny New Year

Peroxide’s Shiny New Year

I’ll be twenty-three in a few weeks. Firmly ensconced in my twenties with not much to show for it. I’ve let the last few years slip by, and so as I begin 2012 I’ve resolved to accomplish some things this year.

It’s funny, none of my friends have made new years resolutions. Perhaps, because everyone knows that they tend to be dropped by the end of January. I figure making a public announcement of my intentions combined with my carpe anno attitude  I’ve got a fighting chance to make it to at least mid-February before I run out of steam.


Get a better Job

I just moved here, and I took the first Job that came along. I don’t like it very much, Starting now, I’m looking for something better.

Get Fit

I hate working out, Always have. Exercise for its own sake bores me to tears, and it’s hard. But, I was inspired reading through Fern’s archives a while back. I haven’t made time for it until now, but I’m joining a Gym. I’ve reached that point in my life where Grilled Cheese and four hours a day playing Skyrim aren’t going to cut it as a diet and fitness regimen. So, going to the gym is going to be a regular part of my schedule. I’m just going to have to try and use the pain to get my masochistic jollies until the endorphins I’ve been promised override my desire to stay in bed.


Blogging helps to get me back in the habit of writing regularly, but I have a pile of projects that I haven’t paid any attention to in quite some time. Hopefully I can turn this around and finish something worth putting my name on by the end of the year.

Prioritize Friends

Before moving to Seattle I spent the last two years working nights. (By the way, If you’re ever offered a night shift, don’t take it.) It killed my social life, I was always sleeping when everyone else was a awake, Tired constantly. never had the energy to make plans. I also never took off work, I covered lots a of Shifts and worked what little social life I had around work. This really shrunk my circle of friends and is something I need to repair in the coming year.


This is the scariest.

It’s a long, melodramatic story, but I haven’t been in a relationship since I was seventeen. (Part of that was the emotional shape I was in after that ended.)  For the last few years it’s been the same deal as the rest of my social life. I don’t eve n know how people meet any more, I’m not in school. I’m planning on going to a church regularly again, maybe they’ll be people there. I’m also considering online dating, though that really chafes the romantic in me.

That’s my plan for 2012, so long as the world doesn’t end.

Wish me luck

14 thoughts on “Peroxide’s Shiny New Year

  1. Ferns

    Good luck!

    I suggest photos of the progress with the gym work… you know… as motivation. Maybe every two weeks. No shirt… I mean, you already have some half naked shots, not that I looked or anything… so it’s only logical… just sayin’… *tries not to leer*


  2. Lady Donovan

    *laughs* Well you’re already writing, so that’s one.
    We have a lot of the same resolutions. I need to look for a better job, need to start working out again, and I’m still holding on to the writing resolution as uncompleted because I’ve just started.
    Good luck. You can do it.
    And I’m with Ferns with the portfolio, we ladies want to monitor your….progress..;)

    Lady D

  3. D (@DumbDomme)

    “I’ve reached that point in my life where Grilled Cheese and four hours a day playing Skyrim aren’t going to cut it as a diet and fitness regimen.”

    Wait, what? Say it aint so! I’m on the vodka and blogging regimen, myself. Oh, and add me to the list of leering ladies. 🙂

  4. Gregory Allen

    New Years Resolutions are the best. As an adult New Years has surpassed Christmas as my favorite holiday, and I never do anything. I don’t go out because I work early on New Years Day. I just set intentions for the year.

    Night shifts are bad for your social life. So are early morning shifts (which I do now), but at least you sleep well. Night shifts are terrible for sleeping. You spend all day in bed and you never feel asleep.

  5. Pingback: Yay a brand new year all for me! « Kink in exile

  6. Stabbity

    It’s a long, melodramatic story, but I haven’t been in a relationship since I was seventeen. (Part of that was the emotional shape I was in after that ended.)

    If it makes you feel any better, I was more-or-less single from ages 20 to 27. While I did have a number of casual fuckbuddy style relationships, I don’t count those as romantic relationships because they really weren’t. I am still friends with most of the guys I slept with during that time, though.

    A big part of the reason I was single so long was definitely the emotional shape I was in. After my first serious relationship (finally) ended, I just didn’t have it in me to look after anyone else’s emotional well being.

    Before moving to Seattle I spent the last two years working nights. (By the way, If you’re ever offered a night shift, don’t take it.)

    Oh yes, don’t ever take a night shift if you enjoy sleeping. I only did it for about a year, but by the end of that year I was a complete wreck. No matter how carefully I blocked all of the light out of my room, I just couldn’t sleep during the day. Funnily enough (and by funny I mean sad), the relationship I was in at the time (same one mentioned earlier, the one that really messed me up) worked better when I never saw my boyfriend. If anyone out there is wondering, that’s what you call a bad sign 🙂

    On a more cheerful note, if you should happen to have the spare cash, kinect adventures is actually a pretty good workout. My boyfriend picked up a kinect at a boxing day sale, and an hour of jumping up and down playing with it was enough to wear me out.

    1. Peroxide

      I’m definitely aware that I’m not the only person to go through long periods of single hood, but I am the only single guy in my house, and nearly all of my good friends are in some sort of relationship, and I can lose sight of the fact that many people go through this.

      While I’ve been personally ready to start looking again for a while, I haven’t had the time to do so until now. Even though I am now looking, I don’t feel like i should invest in anything that doesn’t feel like it could go long term, which might keep me on the sideline for a while yet. So trying to keep my chin up and focus on self improvement in the mean time.

      I may look into the kinect, though I have a pretty strong aversion to video games that make me move.

  7. Pingback: Peroxide Update « Submissive in Seattle

  8. Pingback: Resolution round-up and reboot. « Submissive in Seattle

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