Submissive in Seattle

The Last Straw

The Last Straw

Obviously things haven’t been perfect for sometime now. My Failure to get into school this quarter however sealed the matter. Tavi broke up with me tonight. I could feel it coming today. Our date was cut down to dinner, was cut down to drinks at the pub where we had our first date.

Her reasoning was sound. If I can’t follow her instructions to better myself, then our relationship is just holding me back from what I need in the long term.

I couldn’t come up with a suitable counter argument.

I’ve taken off my collar and my neck feels funny without it.

If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to drink until it doesn’t hurt anymore.

10 thoughts on “The Last Straw

  1. mysticlez

    I am so sorry buddy! *big warm hugs* I am always around if you want someone to listen to you scream, rant, etc. I know it sucks balls but I also know you will find what you really deserve.

  2. Neophyte


    I am so sorry to hear this, Peroxide. I know you knew it wasn’t going to last forever. But knowing that doesn’t make it hurt any less when it does end. I know that from experience, as we talked about, oh, 4.5 months ago when it happened to me. I knew it was going to be a short-term thing, but I was still crushed when it ended. My advice is to only spend one night drinking, feeling sorry for yourself. (Actually, I would advise not trying to drink the pain away at all, but I understand the desire to.) You can’t drink the pain away. If you try, you’ll be drinking for a long time, and the drinking will cause so many more problems.

    Take time to talk with or write to your friends. Get out and enjoy yourself again as soon as you can. Don’t coop yourself up, going between home and work and nowhere else. If you need someone to talk to, I can listen. I hope the pain subsides as soon as possible.

  3. Dumb Domme

    I wish you all the best, Peroxide, always. Cheers to drinking until the pain goes away, and cheers to dealing with it all another day. You’ll figure it out — you’re smart, thoughtful, and you have your head on straight. For now, I’m so sorry you’re in pain.

    (I’m also biting my tongue… reallyfuckinghard.)

    My thoughts are with you, friend.

  4. Sonjafly

    This makes me upset at her… you can’t break up with someone just because school didn’t work out. And schools are ridiculous with their registration process sometimes. I had one school take 9 months to process my FAFSA. I had to go somewhere else because of it. And how is the relationship holding you back? She was the reason you were looking into school, right?

    I’m sorry that this happened. 🙁

  5. PlumBat

    I’ve gotta say that I disagree with this way of handling things on her part. For a submissive person, failing is its own worst punishment. You were already going to feel terrible about it. But failure is inevitable, it happens to everyone sooner or later. If she wanted to end the relationship — and it seems like she had been pulling back for a while — that was entirely her right to do at any time. But to tie it to this, your very first failure, is just rubbing salt in an open wound. She could have cut things off while just making it about the relationship as a whole, not using this in particular as the reason. Just my two cents. :/ I’m sorry, Peroxide. You’ll have a lot of wonderful memories from this time.

  6. anonymouskinky

    Well it certainly sucks. Even when you knew the relationship had an expiration date, it still hurts. It will get better. Slowly. But I do agree with @Vivssub. I know it is hard to be so open on the internet to virtual strangers. But thank you for sharing the bad along with the good. Someone somewhere will read this blog and be a more realistic Dom or sub because of your willingness to share so openly. I respect your bravery. (Cold comfort right now, I’m sure)

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