It is a small disappointment to me that I am not a Smart-assed Masochist. Rather than endlessly quipping as the pain escalates, I’ll make a brave attempt to be clever, and then immediately recant, back peddle, beg for forgiveness and finally break down into cries and whimpers. Far from being too kinky to torture, I realize that I would make a rubbish spy, because if captured I’d get about half a pun out, before I was spilling the beans.

And I certainly wouldn’t openly taunt my captors. Ok, maybe I would, but I’d regret it pretty quickly.
Neither am I a brat. I’m far too eager to please to ever deliberately deliberately upset Tavi in hopes of receiving a bigger badder beating. (Nor do I think I could handle her ire if I were to arouse it.) I do tease though, A fair bit. Part of the ongoing flirtation for me is a little poking, teasing, wry comments meant to elicit a desire to smack me a bit.
Tavi says I’m lippy. I think of it more as, well not quite wittiness, I tend to jump on every opportunity for a joke I see, and not all of them are all that great. Sometimes I’ll get several good ones in a row and seem really clever, and sometimes I’ll strike out and come off as annoying. But, that’s just how I’ve always been, as long as I can remember, and when I bite my tongue to hold in every joke, reference, and pun that comes to mind I end up being very quiet.
It’s OK though, Tavi said she likes me a little bit lippy. Besides it gives her a ready excuse to punish me.
“Rather than endlessly quipping as the pain escalates, I’ll make a brave attempt to be clever, and then immediately recant, back peddle, beg for forgiveness and finally break down into cries and whimpers.”
*laugh* This made me laugh out loud. I can totally picture it. Running the scene in my head about a dozen different ways. Makes me laugh every time. Fun!
Yeah, I’m just fucking hilarious and adorable (and fun and sexy too.)
I too fall into the smart-ass and masochist, but not smart-ass masochist camp. Oh, when I’m just sitting around talking with someone, especially someone I really like, I’ll tease and be a smart-ass. But when playing, I don’t find myself thinking along joking lines for the most part, even when I’m clear-headed. And if I’m dopey and floaty, forget about it; I’m not sure I could put together a “Why did the chicken cross the road” joke even if someone asked me to at that point.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
To find a top that didn’t hit like a little girl.
With that one pre made you can earn tour ass an extra hard beating without so much as a thought.
What? Noooooooo! I’m not going to be able to get that out of my head now. The nice lady who played with me about a week ago hit plenty hard, and she doesn’t seem like the kind to shy away from a challenge.
Haha! Now you’re gonna let that drop by accident and then you’re not going to be able to sit down for a week.
I am a diabolical mastermind.
I don’t need your help getting in trouble. I’m quite adept at that myself. At least half a dozen times chatting with her, I’ve told her something and immediately thought, “Oh, crap. What have I gotten myself into.” For example, noting how quickly my bite marks cleared up (quickly being a relative term, it was nearly a week).
It is really sad when your marks fade and you know it will be a while before you get new ones.
I’m just trying to help you stay happy and bruised as long as possible.
On the bright side, it looks like I’m likely to get to play with her again relatively soon. But no “chicken” jokes for me.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
To find a top that didn’t hit like a little girl.
Yep. Stealing this. It’s going to hurt, and it’s going to be so very worth it.
In an actual D/s context I wouldn’t dare try to sass my way into trouble (and have never been tempted, actually). But with a top for casual play? I am all about goading. It’s flirty and fun and leads to such impressive bruises.
We aren’t really doing D/s just yet, but I do cool it if she gets serious face. Mostly I just want to make her laugh, and if instead of a laugh I get hit, that’s ok with me.
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