Recommended listening: Swimming Pool – The Submarines
I miss kissing. Often.
As much as I think/fantasize about sex, I’m just as likely to be thinking about kisses.
With the exception of a Chinese karaoke hostess in Dailang, I haven’t been kissed since my last relationship, which was so long ago my cell phone still had buttons.
So much of the physical aspect of that relationship made me feel vaguely guilty, but kissing was pleasure that I could enjoy without Jiminy Cricket telling me that my hands (or hers) shouldn’t be there.
Kissing represents a comfortable safe space where I’m feeling affection (and able to express affection) and not dealing with any negative feelings I might have about engaging in sexual or pseudo-sexual activities.

Not that there aren't a lot of positive feelings too.
So I miss it, a lot.
I find myself wondering, when I encounter an attractive woman, what it would be like to kiss her.
About nibbling on her ear, working my way down her jawline.
I think about tracing the curve of her neck.
I think about nuzzling eskimo kisses.
Silly sweet butterfly kisses.
I long for fierce, passionate kisses, having her bite and pull at my lips.
Or french kisses with too much tongue.
I say “too much,” but that is not a complaint I’m likely to ever make, there is something so sensual, that’s not even the right word for it, I don’t have the words to describe it but I like the invasion of an otherwise personal space; preferably with overwhelming force.
And sometimes it just kills me that it’s going to be a while before I get to experience that again. I need to meet the right gal, and have at least a few good dates, and then work up the nerve to kiss her. Although if she really is the right gal for me, she’ll just tell me when she wants to be kissed…

...and where, and how.
You, my friend, are a hopeless romantic.
Who you callin’ hopeless, pal?
It’s a cliche, but a lot of women do like romance, so not so hopeless no. (My hubby is much more romantic than I am, I find it adorable.)
And I agree btw, kissing is waaaayyy underated.
I know right? our culture is all excited about the first kiss, and then after that it’s all “meh, kissing is nice, but what you got to do is -insert improbable sexual act found online here-”
I’m pretty sure that I’m still going to get swoony over making out long after I’ve done everything else,
Bad choice of words…sorry “hopelessly romantic”…which is a good thing.
A good thing? it sounds terrible and feels worse! *kidding, I’m just busting your chops* I’ve occasionally referred to myself as being hopelessly romantic, but I feel like it is fairly balanced with my tendency towards dry cynicism.
Kissing is one of my most absolute favourite things in the entire world, FAVOURITE, in caps and neon lights all flashing and air horns and fireworks and public holidays, that much of a favourite.
If I had to give up every part of play/sex/intimate expression except one, there is not a single doubt in my mind that I would keep the kissing.
I HATE that after adolescence, the idea of pashing (‘making out’) is no longer ‘a thing’. For many, it’s just a stage to go through before you get to ‘the good stuff’. Kissing is an end in itself, it’s also the beginning and the middle.
Kissing… *swoon*.
“I HATE that after adolescence, the idea of pashing (‘making out’) is no longer ‘a thing’. For many, it’s just a stage to go through before you get to ‘the good stuff’. Kissing is an end in itself, it’s also the beginning and the middle.
I know right!?! It really is too great to be relegated to fumbling teenage nights on basement couches.
Also I wish Americans used the word pashing, everyone else gets such cool slang.