I just checked and it’s been four years since I updated this blog. Jeez, there has been a lot in those four years. It’s taken me several years to feel like myself again, after the medication changes I wrote about in gone quiet. Then, I’ve spent a couple of years being completely overworked in a high-stress job, just trying to stay afloat in one of the most expensive cities to live in in America. But here I am, thirty years old and I feel more like I did when I started this blog than I have in a long, long time.
I turned thirty back in January, and I was Not Happy about it. Chaos was both supportive and yet entirely unsympathetic (she’s three years older) and tried to make me feel better about it, but I really just felt like…like even though I have the sort of relationship that in my early twenties seemed like an impossible fantasy, somehow my kinky sexual life was coming to an end.
In my head, when I fantasize, my ideal fantasy self has always been linked strongly to youth. I think perhaps because I grew up as a good, straight, “normal” Christian boy, and yet I had a very strong interest in sex and kink from a very young age. For so many years my only sexual outlet was in my own head, that I never really moved past that in my mind. I’ve grown and changed, my fantasies have developed, I would now describe myself more accurately as:

a good boy (or at least I try to be one) and while I’m really only starting to get used to being thirty, I don’t feel so bad about it as I did when it was looming large on the horizon.
While being thirty is not as bad as I feared, I do feel like it impinges my sense of sexual self. Ageplay isn’t really a part of our sex life, but it sort of figures into my headspace. I’m not sure what sort of language to use to describe this internal self-image, I have a bit of cognitive dissonance when unironically thinking of myself as a “Man.” Not in terms of gender, or even maturity, but in the flavor of masculinity.
Boy or Boi or something similar feels right to me. I think it’s related to both rejecting the man box as well as some remaining cultural baggage linking the idea of manhood and dominance.
I want to feel small, I want to naturally cede control and authority to my partner in the way that one does before adulthood puts us all on a nominally level playing field. Being cognizant of the fact that I am a thirty year old man now feels tantamount to being reminded that power exchange is just a game that we play, that there is nothing tangible enforcing our ownership dynamic, just us.
I’ve also had a sort of gate closing panic. I cannot help but look back at my late teens and early twenties, when I had comparatively more time and boundless sexual energy, and wish I had somehow been the person I am now sooner. I’ve always been kinky, I’ve never been all that straight, I’ve done such exhausting mental gymnastics to hold onto a Christian identity that wasn’t helping me be my actualized self… And now that I finally have a sense of identity that I really like, and I worry that I am already too old to enjoy it properly.
Which is bogus, really. I feel like the reason I haven’t blogged in the past four years (besides being horrendously busy) is that I am satisfied now in a way that I never was before. I have found joy and contentment in my D/s relationship with Chaos, and haven’t had a burning need to express that part of me in writing because it was satiated at home.
That is the good part about being thirty, I’ve gotten myself figured out and have some stability and a wonderful dominant partner who completes me. And even though I am getting older, I’ll always be her boytoy.
Eeeekkk!! Hello :).
And happy birthday.
So glad to hear that you and Chaos are still going strong (hi Chaos!! :)) . That makes my heart happy.
FWIW, you will always be a boy to some of us. Okay fine, to me :).
(I have a viscerally negative reaction to cis men using ‘boi’ because in my world, it was originally an identification created and used in the lesbian community, and I feel like it’s disrespectful to co-opt it (esp if used for and by cishet submissive men which is when it raises all of my hackles), though honestly, I think that ship has long sailed and I’m just an old dinosaur now).
I got much joy out of this update :).