It’s Tavi’s birthday today!
In honor of this momentous occasion I just want to send a quick birthday message to her here.
Happy birthday Ma’am! I’ve been so blessed to have been part of your life this past year. I hope the coming year brings you joy and happiness, and that all your birthday wishes come true.
You are the best mistress a boy could ask for, you are smart, strong, funny, and so very beautiful. I cherish every moment I get to spend with you and under your authority. You make me wish I was a poet so that I could better express my feelings for you. I love you!

I really know where I belong with you.
We spent all last weekend celebrating Tavi’s birthday in one way or another. On friday the was a large gathering for drinks with a bunch of her friends. Saturday Tavi, her primary, a friend of theirs and I went to the Can Can here in Seattle and I saw my very first burlesque show.
With Tavi in the middle of her Primary and I, and because of how the tables were arranged for the “dinner and a show” I ended up front and center for the show. While people were being seated and orders were being taken one of the waiters asked me “what persuasion I was” and I stammered for a minute and apparently turn a vivid shade of purple before I could manage to state that I was straight. to which he replied “It doesn’t matter cause you’re going to get a bunch of both!” Tavi laughed that she didn’t know I could turn that shade of purple.
The show was fantastic, I really didn’t know what to expect going in, but it was one of the most entertaining performances I’ve ever seen. I highly recommend checking it out if you are looking for a fun evening in Seattle.
Sunday was our date, and I showed up with flowers, chocolate and a pair of earrings she wanted. We took the puppy for a walk and got cleaned up and went out for dinner.
It was one of the sweetest dates we’ve had. We went to Local 360, and sat at a table for two looking googly eyed at each other. Holding hands across the table until our dinner came. She had the Rabbit and I had the lamb (since we both agree cute things are the tastiest.) We even shared bites of our food like a total cliche. Anyone who thinks BDSM relationships aren’t romantic, or all about kink would be very surprised by the way we look when out on a date.
After dessert (a decadent S’mores sunday) we went an got her ears re-pierced. she wanted the piercing aligned properly since they were ever so crooked and she’s slightly OCD, and the earrings I got her were of a pretty large gauge, so this took care of two birds with one stone.
It was getting late by the time we were done, so I had to return her home with just a kiss goodnight, but I still went home walking on sunshine.
This weekend, I’ve been pet-sitting her puppy and grumpy old cat so she could go on a weekend trip with her primary. That was fun, even if her puppy is a slobbery lick-rapist. I’m so happy she’s back though.
Awwww… sweetest thing EVAAAARRRR!!! *happy sigh*
Happy birthday Tavi!
Yep, we’re awfully sweet for a couple of perverts, that’s for sure.
Sounds like a fantastic weekend! Very sweet. Happy birthday to your Lady!
Thanks, I’ll pass it along!