Submissive in Seattle

Manscape Architecture

Manscape Architecture

I broke my record number of  page views today! Which is sort exciting for me, I hit a high back in April, and have only come close to touching it a few times since then.  I’ve got a couple of things that I’m planning on writing about here in the next week or so, but I feel I should post something tonight to celebrate.

So, Manscape Architecture:

Around the time I began to shave my face I started shaving my danger zone as well. The thing is I’ve never been really happy with the growth pattern of my short and curlys. I’m not an excessively hairy man to begin with and so my attempts to sculpt the region into something presentable often left it looking sparse. Dissatisfaction would lead to a clear cut.

How hairy I’m not

My only problem with the total deforestation is that I’ve hear a lot of women don’t like it. So while personally I prefer the look and feel on myself than any of my other available options it’s not something I want to sport unless I’m with someone who expresses that preference. Because of that and because shaving is such a pain, and requires constant maintenance or enduring terrible itchyness, my policy in recent years has been to let things grow naturally. That is until I get bored and forgetful and the the cycle repeats.

If I had a bathroom all to myself I might think about trying some other depilatory option, but for right now I have no reasonable explanation for bringing home a bottle of Nair. Someday, I think it’d be interesting someday to do body waxing as part of a scene, it would definitely make the pain more bearable if I knew someone was enjoying it.

Like this, with a ball gag.

So readers, what are your opinions on hair down there? Or anywhere?


17 thoughts on “Manscape Architecture

  1. Ferns

    Congrats on the record high!

    I feel like I’ve answered this before, and recently… Oh yes, formspring! Copying and pasting now because I am lazy like that…

    I don’t like a lot of body hair, but it’s not a ‘thing’ for me. I do have a preference for a boyish look, and sparse body hair is part of that.

    Back and arse hair will be waxed. I like to do it myself, because ouchy hurty intimate things are fun.

    Pubic hair will be neatly trimmed, just so it’s not all wild and bushy in my face, should my face get down that way…

    I don’t like ‘no pubes’, I think it looks weird in a ‘plucked chicken’ kind of way. Nothing against plucked chickens, I’m sure their mothers think they are very handsome.


    1. Peroxide

      Thanks Ferns.

      Body hair on others is a total non-issue for me, But on myself I don’t really care for it. Having hair that is thin and light means neatly trimmed looks just as much like a plucked chicken in my opinion, but has the added benefit of being very itchy and requiring regular maintenance.

  2. Tomio Hall-Black

    The good news (sort of) is that most guys continue to get hairier as time goes by. I go bare from the johnson down…it kind of takes away the worst part of the itching and the plucked chicken look, but the sac, crack, and in between is smooth.

    I’ve found that a good razor and good shave cream helps keep down the itching and other issues, as well. The best I’ve found is Headblade’s Headslick shave cream (but their razors are crap). For a razor, Mistress found some generic’s that have four blades that work wonders.

    1. Peroxide

      Bare from the Johnson down to your to toes, or is it more of ‘twix knees and navel sort of thing?

      I’m not a huge fan of shaving personally, it tends to irritate my skin, and ingrown hairs in that area are quite unsettling.

      1. Tomio Hall-Black

        I don’t shave my legs – just between them. The sac and crack are shaved as well (takes practice to do that…). I don’t really have sensitive skin, but I think a nice sharp razor and good shave cream really cuts down on irritation and ingrown hairs – especially if done daily. Of course, you would know your skin better than I, though.

  3. Unrepentant

    Personally, I feel that a little trimming is nice if a guy’s pubes are really long, and I don’t like hair on the shaft, but mostly I prefer when there’s not too much manscaping going on. Though there is a lot to be said for Tomio’s approach – more fun for the tongue that way. I think it’s better to use depilatory cream rather than razors though, the new growth is less unpleasant that way, and it’s a hell of a lot easier to do.

    1. Peroxide

      Hair on the shaft is the worst, it’s like those creeping vines that strangle trees in the rainforest.

      Which depilatory cream do you recommend? Hopefully something that won’t cause unpleasant burning.

      1. Tomio Hall-Black

        I actually recommend against depilatory creams. I’ve tried them and had to shave afterwards anyway. The problem with using creams is that they really need to be scrubbed off dry – and this is difficult to do with a scrotum because of its anatomy and if you do your crack, then you either have to stay bent over for several minutes so that it gets enough air, or risk getting chemical burns around your anus.

      2. Unrepentant

        You have to get one that specifically says it’s good for either “bikini area” or sensitive skin; I think both Veet and Nair make them but they’re a little harder to find than the regular kinds. Still have to make sure you don’t leave it on too long though, or it can burn your skin.

  4. Rougemarie

    I quite like the look of a gentleman who goes bare down there, though I haven’t had the pleasure getting up close and personal with one. It shows off all the good bits 😉 at the same time I like hair too, the last guy I was with kept his neatly trimmed and it was nice. Was decorative but didn’t interfere with playtime.

    I guess I feel like there’s a lot of different ways men can be sexy (hairless, hairy, slender, solid, tall, petite) so I don’t have a strong preference. I like the idea that maybe I will find something attractive in a new partner that I haven’t found sexy before.

    I’d be really, really, really cautious about putting a depilatory cream on my bits. Actually, I just wouldn’t do it. But if you do, I’d advise you to choose one that markets itself as suitable for bikini lines and sensitive skin.

    You could also look into a depilator, as an alternative to waxing and shaving. They hurt though.

    Given that you want to wait until marriage (unless I’ve misunderstood things), perhaps you should take the easy option… go au natural until you find your lady and then adjust to suit her preferences 😉

    1. Peroxide

      Indeed you’re right I am planning on waiting, and I should leave the entire region alone til I know what my future wife wants to see down there, but I get bored and I forget how much it itches growing back and I end up going in for a trim, and then a little more off one side or the other, and eventually I’ve gone to far and need to just lose it all rather than sporting the decidedly feminine landing strip.

    2. Peroxide

      Oh and I’ve heard good things about depilators, and I don’t think pain would be too much of a problem for me, but They’re kind of on the pricey side aren’t they?

      1. Rougemarie

        They are indeed, but they’re a one off expense – I guess whether it’s worth it really depends on the cost of your other options. Since I do other bits than besides, well, bits it’s worth it… waxing myself requires a level of fine motor skills I apparently lack, and it would be pretty pricey to have someone else do it regularly. For someone like you, who can just have at it with a razor he already owns, I guess the price might not justify the benefit.

      1. MissPuke

        And it can be fun to play around and experiment with different things, too.

        I typically prefer to be completely bare, however I’m currently sporting a little something. I’ve found I kind of like having it pulled.

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