Submissive in Seattle

Last night…

Last night…

Didn’t go so well.

First off my much awaited play party debut was cancelled. The woman I had been in contact with has had some changes in her life and can’t get involved with a play partner right now. No biggie. Actually I was feeling a bit caddish at just the thought of playing with two different people so close together. But that’s a me thing. I once felt guilty dancing with a girl because I had a date planned with a different girl for the next weekend.

Any way Tavi invited me out to a rockband/karaoke party and So the night was saved.

Or so it seemed, until my car broke down about halfway between Seattle and the party. Something to do with the clutch, I’m not a car guy that’s for sure. Hell, I couldn’t even find my hazard lights.

After some fumbling about, and mistakenly calling AAA instead of the my insurance company, a good Samaritan helped me push it to a safe location. I called my insurance, had them send a Tow truck. Texted back and forth with Tavi, She said she’d come pick me up once her Boyfriend got there.

Did I say  I felt like a cad before? Now I had a man coming to my rescue a few days after I made out with his Girlfriend. Yeah, they’re poly, and yeah, he’s almost certainly well informed on the situation, but my brain doesn’t care about that so much as making sure that (in addition the the stress of car troubles and an impending financial burden) I feel like a total heel.

I told them to at least wait at the party till the tow-truck got there, which took two hours. I got my car squared away and then we headed back to the party. Tavi’s BF (who I haven’t got a pseudonym for) is a great guy, and after a drink or two, and some light torture I had a surprisingly good evening.

Light torture, I said light torture!

Today the stress is back, I’m going to have to bus up to Bellingham tomorrow and get my sisters old car so I can go to work this week. I won’t find out til Monday what the damage is, how much they charge, or what I’m going to do. So tonight, instead of going to the gym in the rain, I’m just going to relax, drink, and watch a movie or something.

Oh and in sort of related news, I came out to my roommate. The thing is this, On Wednesday after I got home from seeing Tavi, my little sister was over watching a movie with my roommate (they’re friends if I hadn’t ever mentioned that before.) My sis, asked where I’d been to which I replied with a terse “Out.” gave her a hug and went to bed, because I had work in the morning.

So yesterday, my Roomy and I were talking and she asks me where I’d been the night before that I didn’t want my sister to know about. And after some prefacing about how this stays between the two of us, I shared that I had been on a date-thing with a woman that I met at a munch, because I’m into BDSM.

She was totally cool with it, and yeah, that was nice, and now I don’t have to be evasive about my plans around the house anymore.

2 thoughts on “Last night…

  1. nevermore314

    One good thing about this area, you can’t throw a rock without hitting someone who knows how to do some level of car repair. It’s a hell of a lot cheaper that way (though I don’t think anyone would be willing to help out after you hit them with a rock…)

    That all sounds like a wonderful clusterfuck of a situation. I hope it works out the way you want it to. Or who knows, maybe even better!

    I “came out” to my little sister sort of passively, without really thinking about it or intending to. She saw the bite marks when I was changing, and I said something like “What? I had a good night.” Later, when I mentioned meeting some new people, she guessed correctly and informed me that she’s also into kink. Didn’t see that one coming :/

    Glad things seem to be (mostly) going well for you.

    1. Peroxide

      Yeah, We’re waiting on a diagnosis and estimate, and then we might have a friend do the repairs, depending on the cost.

      The sitch, is a new and unfamiliar one, but that isn’t necessarily bad, and might just work for me right now.

      I really wasn’t planning on spilling the beans, but with my roommate I didn’t have any good reason to be evasive about it. She’s not kinky or anything, but she said something about having written an article on it in college, so she is at least familiar enough to not be freaked out by it.

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