I tend not to be very explicit when describing my experiences here. For one, they feel private, and to describe them in detail seems tacky and vulgar. I get embarrassed too, describing in detail what gets me off. Yeah, I’ve written some erotica, but that is far different for me that saying: “This specifically is something that makes me, Peroxide, get an erection.”
The other reason, is more one of difficulty. My head is a noisy place, and play is a blur. My play with Tavi ebbs and flows with no regularity. Spending time with her isn’t just one big scene, there is no sense of production about it, but rather we just naturally slip into BDSM territory during the course of our time together.
To describe with any accuracy the order of talking, kissing, playing, snuggling, stroking, kissing, pinching, biting, stroking, kissing, talking, walking, pinching, giggling, talking, kissing, ect and what my headspace was like during any or all of that would be like trying to describe the entirety of a roller coaster ride that took all evening. Perhaps you could remember the headiest drops or the most surprising twists, but to place them all in the right order and to give the reader any real sense of the ride is simply not a realistic goal.
So I don’t plan on attempting to get all the dirty details down here, in the correct order. I did want to share that I had Tavi over Friday night. All night.
We had talked about going out, but by the time Friday rolled around hand she was beat and wanted something more chill, she inquired whether I’d prefer her place or mine, and I rather leapt at the opportunity to play host. I’m not a service sub (or her sub at all for that matter) but I quite enjoy being able to do nice things for the people I like.
Last week I got to cook dinner for us at her place, but I wasn’t prepared for that this time, I needed to clean up a good deal. So we got sushi take out. Because of work and traffic, she wasn’t going to be able to get over here till around eight, and since I had purchased a bit (a lot) of hard cider for the evening, I told her that she was welcome to sleep here if she wanted. She packed an overnight bag.
We gorged on sushi when she got here and watched a movie on the couch, drank and snuggled in comfort.

I said, we gorged on sushi, in case you were picturing this scene. If I hadn’t been so hungry I may have suggested it.
Bedtime is where it gets fuzzy, the order of things becomes too difficult a web to untangle here. For those of you readers worried about my morals and limits, I can assure that my briefs remained on the entire evening.
Her panties did not.
They were in fact utilized to make a surprisingly effective gag, so that the my cries wouldn’t disturb my flatmate. We switched between play and snuggles for some time. Eventually my flatmate left, I later found out to my relief that it was for her own late night fun, and not because we’d been making too much noise (that night at least, we may have been a little less considerate in the morning.)
I remember at one point be pretty sure we were going to sleep, only to end up playing pretty roughly for some time after that. For some blissful period of of time that I couldn’t quantify if my life depended on it, she humped my ass like she would with a strap-on, if that weren’t beyond my limits. Her fingers dug into my hips and she pulled my hair as I ground back into her with more need and frustration than I can convey in words. (There, that’s my explicit and shameful description, hope you’re happy.)
I was punched and pinched and bitten as much as I could handle. I’m getting better at breathing, and not jerking away, not a lot better, but some progress at least.
Eventually we sleep. My queen size bed feeling much smaller when I was sharing it with someone else. In the morning I woke next to her warm body and was so happy and content, until I had to pee, but didn’t want to wake her getting out of bed.
Eventually she stirred and I made my way to the restroom. We spent several more hours playing and wrestling (and an extended bout of ball slapping, that I am shocked to find that I “enjoy”) before getting up and facing the day. Before she left we got coffee and a little breakfast at the Starbucks down the street. While walking back to her car she pinched my side to watch me squirm and try not to make a scene.
It was sweet.
*sigh* Happies!!
You know she’s super lucky to have found you, right? Just sayin’.
For the record, whenever I write about ‘what happened’, I choose a moment of intensity and I hold it up to the light and glory in it. My chronology gets lost also, and a blow by blow account is rarely actually very interesting. What’s fascinating to me is how I *felt*, where my head went, what the impact was, all that.
You know she’s super lucky to have found you, right? Just sayin’.
I feel pretty lucky myself, but if you want to enumerate the ways in which she is lucky to have found me, please feel free.
I choose a moment of intensity and I hold it up to the light and glory in it.
Well, I may try that, but I am embarrassed by it. Telling an audience, no matter how small, what really turned me on, makes me get all shy, I have to blunt it with colorful and hyperbolic language at the very least. But hopefully something interesting is conveyed nonetheless.
I, as a pervert, did enjoy the visual.
Also what you did share was graceful and delightful to read. I personally find that I can’t keep any of my thoughts straight if I don’t write down the entire scene, so I envy your ability to write just enough to make the mind wander.
Thanks for the good read!
Thank you, I write what I can, and what I feel comfortable with. It’s not like I take notes during play, so keeping everything in order is really tough, But I have a pretty good idea of when my favorite moments happened in relation to each other, so that’s what I share.
“Her fingers dug into my hips and she pulled my hair as I ground back into her with more need and frustration than I can convey in words. (There, that’s my explicit and shameful description, hope you’re happy.)”
Yes, yes I am happy. ‘Cause that’s fucking hot.
I’d like to officially put in a vote for more detailed descriptions like the above. ;D
A lot of my memories of the evening are hazy, I couldn’t tell you what I was thinking, or when each thing happened.
But a brief vignette: In the morning at some point, Tavi got down between my legs and stroked me a bit through my briefs. She then began to tap, somewhat gently on my balls. It takes only a a little tapping before the repeated sensation becomes uncomfortable, and then painful.
Before long she had to use her legs to keep my legs forced open, and I am trying to stifle my cries. At the same time she keeps up the stroking, making my brain go mad trying to decide whether I’m in agony or on the verge of ecstasy.
The tapping had become a much less gentle slapping and without meaning to, my hand goes in to block an incoming hit. I don’t even realize it until her hand hits mine.
The look in her eyes tells me I’m in trouble and I sputter apologies and excuses, as I pull my hand back and grip the bed frame so I don’t repeat my mistake. She threatens to start flicking my balls if it happens again so I dutifully hold on and take my punishment.
And after that it gets fuzzy again.
I realize this has little to do with your point in writing, but as time goes by, I feel less guilty about sharing more explicit details of my love/sex/play life (and keep in mind, my partner doesn’t even know I’m sharing!).
Yes, I enjoy readers, and more explicit, hot, lovely stuff gets more readers. But, more important than that, writing these things down means I have a record of really personal, intimate moments that I might have forgotten otherwise. Those moments–whether expressed via floggers or loving embraces–are all really special and wonderful and I’m glad I’ve written them down so I can hold onto them forever.
Also, I’m happy for you, Peroxide. 🙂
I definitely see a much bigger response from readers after post about play, fetish-y goodness, or those with pictures. I try not to let that influence me too much, mostly I’m writing for myself, so that I have a place to express what I don’t get to talk about much, I like having this record of my thoughts and experiences too. I also like to flatter myself that someday, something I write will be of use to someone in similar circumstantial to myself.
I’m getting more comfortable writing about some stuff, but the real explicit stuff, is just too embarrassing for me to even write down. I simply can not bring myself to do it.
Yes, more posts with explicit descriptions, please. 🙂 I too love finding new things that I “enjoy,” hahahah. Love that.
So I have to ask, do you know who the artists are for the two illustrations? I adore the pegging one. I think the sushi one might be by Jillian Tamaki, but I’m not sure.
Sorry Rob, Your comment got hung up in moderation, I’ve only approved this one since the other seemed superfluous.
I just nabbed them off tumblr, and I have them linked to where I found them, but not to the original sorce. Through the magic of Google, i’ve found that the sushi picture is the work of Mee Wong and the pegging one, seems to be by the unnamed artist who runs the cock filled tumblr which it originated from.
Thanks! I’m still trying to get the hang of using WordPress on a smartphone.
Off to browse that Tumblr…
When it comes to being uncomfortable writing certain details, you have the advantage of being able to put your foot down and say “this is my blog, I shall write this much and no more.” What you have to share is lovely and I’m very happy for you. If the main concern is accuracy or order of events, I agree with Ferns that a blow-by-blow (or bite-by-bite) account simply isn’t that interesting anyway: you’re not trying to storyboard the film of your evening, but capture the way it made you feel. Congrats on a night well spent!
Yeah, I like to push myself a bit, and this is a place for me to say the things I can’t/don’t say elsewhere. I’m usually pretty satisfied with the finished product, though it is difficult to really capture the experience..
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