Submissive in Seattle

Submissive men

As close as it gets: Dottie Gets Spanked

I’m taking a film criticism class this quarter, and for my mid-term I ended up watching what is possibly the best film-handling of BDSM I’ve ever seen.   Dottie Gets Spanked explores the development of kinky feelings in a young boy in an insightful and sensitive manner. It’s a short…

May I please be weak?

There is a lot of crap written about BDSM (and F/m relationships in particular.) We’ve all seen unrealistic, downright dangerous advice doled out to the eager and inexperienced, personal fantasies framed as sage instruction, and unlikely erotic narratives posted in the guise of autobiographical truth. This sort of post soon…

How To find (and catch) a Male Submissive

There are a lot of posts, guides, lists, and how-tos floating around online telling submissive men how to find themselves a dominant woman. And there are lots of guides available on how to go about dominating a submissive man. But I’ve noticed a distinct lack of guidance and advice specifically for dominant…

Getting off isn’t so easy

Something I remember reading when I first started looking into BDSM was that it wasn’t necessarily sexual for some people. This was a little tricky to grasp for me because it is pretty intensely sexual for me. Well, parts of it are. D/s is definitely how I enjoy my romantic and sexual interactions to play out,…


Recently I became a moderator for a new subreddit called /r/FemdomCommunity. (A subreddit being sort of like a forum with in a larger forum on the website Reddit, in case you didn’t already know.) I volunteered for the gig, because I am interested in seeing the space evolve into a helpful place…


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