Submissive in Seattle

fetish fuel

As Close as it gets #5 Whedonverse

As Close as it Gets is my re-occurring feature to highlight media I like that contains vicarious Femdom thrills. This Time I’m covering all the shows of Joss Whedon. I’m doing four shows at once, because while there are a significant number of moments, images and themes that hit the spot…

As close as it gets #4: The Baroque Cycle

If I could pick the brain of any person on the planet it would be Neal Stephenson, He’s been my favorite for years, I’ve read many of his books several times over and come away from them each time feeling less alone in the world. His novels are erudite, eclectic…

Fetishize me Captain!

I’m sure you’re all aware that a sexual fetish is receiving sexual arousal from a specific object or situation. If this attraction causes psychological distress it’s a paraphilia. Generally I notice a “kink” is how people usually refer to a little something extra they like in their sex, (oh I’m just…

As close as it gets #2 – Tales of MU

Welcome to the second edition of what I plan on being an ongoing series “as close as it it gets,” where I blather on about various media that I find to be suitable substitutes for actual femdom media. I should clarify that when I talk about “suitable” what I really…


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