Scratch that this should be called Oh, what a beautiful morning!
My weekend was great if you hadn’t guessed, or if you don’t follow me on twitter. I’ve got quite a bit to talk about, some of it may have to wait for later posts, but for now let’s do a recap of my weekend.
Tavi and I wanted to do a repeat of our sleep-over. It’s nice to be able to play and not immediately cut and run cause you have to work in the morning or whatever, and it’s nice to be able to share a bed with someone you care about. We scheduled for Saturday after a party she needed to go to. I went to The kinky-geek munch for a bit, had some fun, and then came home so I could met her here.
Serendipitously my roommate was out of town this weekend, leaving us with the apartment to ourselves. Tavi got here around ten thirty. We shared a marvelous, though sadly diminutive bottle of Angry Orchard Iceman (if it wasn’t prohibitively expensive this would be my new go-to beverage.)
I gave Tavi her Christmas present (I already ate the entire plate of decadent Nutella brownies she gave me last week.) For her I got a simple pair of cuffs and a ball gag. Naturally she had me try on these items, and the cuffs were comfortable and effective at restricting movement, the ball-gag impairs my ability to be lippy, but doesn’t muffle sound even a quarter as well as a balled up pair of panties.
While fiddling with the cuffs, Tavi noticed that I had a rubber band on each wrist (which I wear sometimes when I’m craving a masochistic fix.) Normally snap them hard enough to leave a small mark that will fade shortly. Tavi was more enthusiastic about seeing how much damage a rubber band could do.
Eventually we retired to the comfort and warmth of the boudoir, and failed to watch a movie. The evening is pretty much a blur. Tavi said we went to sleep around two/two-thirty. I know I was manacled to the headboard for a while, and I know that I strained pretty hard against those restraints.
I woke up first in the morning, as I expected, and slipped out to get coffee from down the street. After I returned I made her Breakfast in bed (Poached egg, bacon, and English muffin) which I really enjoyed doing. I may have more service sub in me than I thought.
After a hearty breakfast, we had some of the heaviest play we’ve done yet. A thorough spanking of my ass with a wooden spoon, that had me wailing and pleading for it to end. I’m trying to remember exactly the order in which things happened. I think after she found that my ass was bleeding and applied bandages, we were doing something and I jokingly crawled away to hide in the closet.
Sometimes, I move too much or start to “try and get away” and she tells me to be still, but she let me do the closet scene, so I don’t think we were doing anything serious at the time. Anyway, after that she noticed my belt on the floor by the closet and made me kneel at the edge of the bed as she whipped my ass and back with it.

Left to right: The bite mark on my nipple is probably what I was receiving whilst struggling against my restraints. The belt marks on my back sent me to what may have been subspace (which if that is what it was, was scarier than expected) and that’s my well spanked ass.
It went on for a long time, and I was probably told to be still more than once. It ended, as Tavi’s beatings often do with her making me count the last ten. Afterwards I felt different. I was on the verge of crying, but I didn’t want to at the time. She gave me a glass of water and held me for a long time. It was a new and kind of scary place to be, but I’d like to go back there. Soon.
Between all this play we talked about quite a bit, our relationship, our plans, but that will have to wait for the next post.
*happy sigh* Awesome!
Also… *squeeee*… cute butt!!!
Happy Sighs all around!
*shakes butt*
You really did have a great weekend, it seems. I too had an excellent weekend. I might PM you about it on FetLife later. Right now, I need to be out the door on my way to work. *grumble grumble*
Go right ahead, I’d like to hear how your thing is going.
I wish I was heading to work. I think I’ve got food poisoning, cause I’ve been up sick all night. It’s mid afternoon now though, and I’m feeling a little better.
Yay for your fantastic weekend! I love nights where there’s some play, then talking, then play, then holding, and play… and it lasts for hours and hours and hours…
I’m happy for you, Peroxide. 🙂
It’s so much better when there isn’t a time limit, when you can just let things ebb and flow between sweetness and hotness.
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