Submissive in Seattle

Christian problems

More role conflict

I’m not sure if this is going to be interesting at all, it’s more of the same old thing I’ve been writing for a bit, however, if down the line I write about doing some things, I want my readers to know that I’ve been doing all the requisite consideration…

An Infinite amount of Dommes

I have this thought, that with enough time the right woman could get me to do anything. I tend to think that people are capable of anything under the right circumstances, and I wonder how malleable I would be in the hands of a woman that really knew how to…

Virgin Shaming and Kink

I’m a bit of an odd duck I’m sure you’ve realized by now. Being both an abstinent, virginal, Christian boy and a submissive, masochist, kink blogger is hardly a common pairing. While I’ve thought long and hard about how I might go about making kink and submission sound appealing to…

Under-thinking precedes Over-thinking

If you are at all familiar with my blog you should be able to tell that I over think almost everything, especially in regards to inter-personal relationships. Except sometimes I don’t. You may recall that I totally jumped the gun on signing up for OKCupid. I sometimes think about finding…


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