Submissive in Seattle


More role conflict

I’m not sure if this is going to be interesting at all, it’s more of the same old thing I’ve been writing for a bit, however, if down the line I write about doing some things, I want my readers to know that I’ve been doing all the requisite consideration…

Under the sheets

I tend not to be very explicit when describing my experiences here. For one, they feel private, and to describe them in detail seems tacky and vulgar. I get embarrassed too, describing in detail what gets me off. Yeah, I’ve written some erotica, but that is far different for me that saying: “This specifically is something that…

Communication and Vocalization

Really Peroxide, another one of these “guess what I did last night?” posts, really? Yeah, really. Deal with it. Tavi and I went out to brunch on Sunday, my favorite place, it was quite lovely. I’ve been thinking about, worrying about, fretting over the boundary discussion I knew we needed…

Let’s play “Who’s got it the hardest?”

Ok, let’s not, since that’s a game that is bound to end in tears and recriminations. Life, dating and relationships are pretty rough for most everyone, and if you’ve got it easy, well then I secretly hate you. I’m thinking specifically of something a woman identifying as submissive said the…

Under-thinking precedes Over-thinking

If you are at all familiar with my blog you should be able to tell that I over think almost everything, especially in regards to inter-personal relationships. Except sometimes I don’t. You may recall that I totally jumped the gun on signing up for OKCupid. I sometimes think about finding…


Sherlock, has been popping up on my radar lately for having hints of BDSM and F/m or some-such. Just watched the first episode. Quite good, Steven Moffat knows his business. I’ve been thinkingabout a scene where Watson and his new acquaintance/flatmate Sherlock Holmes get a table at a restaurant together…


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