Submissive in Seattle


Virgin Shaming and Kink

I’m a bit of an odd duck I’m sure you’ve realized by now. Being both an abstinent, virginal, Christian boy and a submissive, masochist, kink blogger is hardly a common pairing. While I’ve thought long and hard about how I might go about making kink and submission sound appealing to…

Catwoman: The Difference between Domme and Dominantrix

First off, stop reading my blog and go read this amazing post here, on Delving into Deviance about performative gender roles and BDSM. Dev, if you didn’t know, also wrote The Devaluation of Male Submission which kicked off a whole bunch of dialogue that has made it easier for me…

Tell me again, How can a man be submissive and sexy?

I’m still struggling to find a way to be a sexy man. One of my major stumbling blocks is that the foundation of heterosexual male attractiveness in our culture is masculinity, which is always coded as dominant (among other things.) In preparation and inspiration for this post I read another…

Under-thinking precedes Over-thinking

If you are at all familiar with my blog you should be able to tell that I over think almost everything, especially in regards to inter-personal relationships. Except sometimes I don’t. You may recall that I totally jumped the gun on signing up for OKCupid. I sometimes think about finding…

For sale, to Good Home.

I was going to hold off on writing on this topic until I had a new job (still working on that) cause I’m not after sympathy, I just want to discuss submissiveness and and depression. Not that there is a connection or even a correlation between the two, but since there are 18.8…


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